Demise: of a Dream + Smegma
A10, Valencia

Event description:
Under the title Demise: of a Dream, artists Diego Navarro, Claudia Dyboski and Tea Stražičić present a selection of works that question the materiality of contemporary artistic production focused on the transgression of the organic and whose creations sink their roots in the speculative imaginaries of science fiction, mythological narratives and a deep state of permanent uncertainty with the present time.
The artistic discourse around the idea of object that headed the art critic and curator Lucy Lippard in the 1970s has been interrupted and modified by a series of factors such as the assumption of the virtual medium as an indisputable part of reality. Thus, current artistic production has been based to a large extent on some precepts of conceptual art but, in this case, through pieces created with, from and in front of the net. And in the same way, they lead to consider obsolete the old division between the real and the virtual.
In short, this exhibition questions the extent to which the current context influences and conditions the production of materiality in a modern sense of the word and how a new generation of artists, educated in front of the screen, develop their practice from the questioning of the fundamental notion of object. However, trying to show this turn towards the object as an opposite reaction to the virtual, is banal and not very enlightening and therefore it is proposed to understand it as an approach to the idea of dematerialization or an intuitive approach to reality.
The exhibition proposal joins forces with the third edition of Smegma - a bi-monthly project headed by Guillem Sarrià in the A10 space devoted to sound and visual experimentation - which,
on this occasion, will bring the artist and producer Bod [包家巷] to Valencia for the first time. The American artist based in Berlin will intervene in the space with a sound performance that connects with the narrative of the show.
Diego Navarro, Claudia Dyboski, Tea Stražičić and Bod [包家巷]
Curated by Guillem Sarriá, Ali A. Maderuelo and Julia Castelló
Press: Tzvetnik