What If We Made A Video Game And It Was Like Dark Souls And All The Characters Were Artists
Performed at:
Sonic Acts 2020 (NL)
Festival Ekstravagantna Tijela (CRO) 2019.
Screened at:
427 Gallery Riga
AV Act by Baojiaxiang and SwS
Commisioned by Kontejner Biro
"What If We Made A Video Game And It Was Like Dark Souls And All The Characters Were Artists" (WIWMAVGAIWLDSAATCWA) is an enclosure of the audiovisual inputs of reality into the space of art that formally unifies performance with the practices of organized interpersonal relationships.
WIWMAVGAIWLDSAATCWA will be shown as a live action game demonstration and audiovisual performance by @flufflord (Tea Strazicic), @pirate_sheep (Marta Strazicic), and @baojiaxiang (bod [包家巷]) featuring songs from Music for Self Esteem.
Hosted by KONTEJNER | biro suvremene umjetničke prakse
The work was commissioned and produced by KONTEJNER | The Contemporary Art Practice Bureau, in collaboration with Sonic Acts, has been listed under the Creative Europe program as part of the Re-Imagine Europe project, a co-financed center of the European Union.
Premiered in Zagreb, September 2019.
Video available only for private viewers,
for inquiry contact
SwS x BOD - Intro to WIWMAVGAIWLDSAATCWA / excerpt from schwestern sisters on Vimeo.

Text by Nick Zhu
There is no apocalyptic moment.
A species may resemble an individual, birth, growth, death, but to categorize it as such would imply that it may live and learn before its death.
Spaceship earth does not need a teacher, nor must it refer to itself as an autodidact.
In the most barren reach there is the same wealth of information and void density as the primordial soup.
A more pressing issue is when; when will the distribution occur?
In that moment we are left, as in any moment, with the decision to return to our history or to come forth with wisdom only found in the eyes of a child.
Here lies the idea, tortured, beaten and brutally executed by analytical methodology.
Her soul is reckoning with technological advancement.
He charges forward, nothing to hold him back but himself.
H, a letter.
We agree that deconstruction and construction are both violent assertions, forcing reality to bend to our will.
Balance, the mediator of absolution, follows as its inherent demand.
In times of increasing complexity the moral imperative is to find reductive truths.
In times of decreasing complexity the moral imperative is to find context.
As the oscillation increases in frequency we accept it and follow; this is the contingency of an experience of linear time.
Acceptance is with regards to both time and complexity symmetrical.
It is the basis for inter-dimensional travel.
Where is the plan?
When do we start?
How do we know we’ve succeeded?
Sorry, I only have speculation.
Well rounded teams require full diverse attendance of archetypal characters (tank, healer, sniper, etc.)
Seek a non-hierarchically maintained organizational structure, but accept the existing hierarchy as the stasis.
Always heal. Remember stillness.